Monday, 31 January 2011

Emma Kisstina

Had a hectic last couple of days writing my final major project brief, working and trying to sort out funding and contacts for FMP! I've found an illustrator from Sweden, Ms EmmaKisstina ( who does absolutely gorgeous illustrations, you gotta check her out! so we'll be doin a fun lingerie-illustration collab soon which will be v. intersting =)

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Bonjour Paris!

Jean Paul Gaultier Collection for Myla
Louis Vuitton Barbie Trunk - Musee Carnavalet LV Voyage Exhibition
Michel Cluizel Chocolat
Saint Ouen Flea Market - Vintage perfume bottles
Vintage Chanel <3
My absolute favourite store... Chantal Thomass

Bonjour =)
So, I've never really taken off with the world of blogging, and I don't intend to become one of the top bloggers of UK or anything. The reason I want to write is to document things I've done and share with you, whoever is interested, the world through my eyes and the things I see that inspires me and makes my heart melt. My taste is quite quirky... I love things that are unusual or antique, modern with a twist or just ridiculously luxurious... I will try my best to credit all the pictures, but If i miss anything off, I do apologise and a quick message to let me know would be great so i can add it on. Thanks =)

So my most recent trip was to Paris, I went alone, which sounds quite scary but it was all quite exciting! I met some lovely people along the way, and took a thousand pictures (no joke) in the space of two days! I'm currently designing for my final catwalk collection which is lingerie based, and went over to Paris for the Salon International trade show and to scour the pretty streets of Paris for inspiration. I can't fit everything on here but will upload majority of them to flickr soon so if you're interested, I'll post you the link. Everything I got to see was so amazing... the sights, the monuments, flea market finds and luxurious shops... I couldn't possibly describe it all in one word. I definitely recommend Paris for people who love... all things luxe x